06 September, 2023: Goals, Keto, Projects...

This past week I've had a lot of down time at work. In fact, all of my time at work is down time. This has it's ups and downs. At first I was very dissapointed to find out how little I am meant to do. Now I've warmed up to it. The best part of it is that I can listen to podcasts and nobody bothers me, which is a wonderful thing to get paid for.

What I've dwelled on most lately are my goals. Just, trying to better define them. I was talking to a coworker yesterday, and he touched on something that'd been bothering me for the past month or so. Trying to balance too much, and ending up with nothing. They say to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket, but sometimes you absolutely have to. There have been a couple times in my life where I've burned myself out trying to chase too many things at once. This time, I have a single goal: to pay off my college debt by the end of the year and renroll sometime in 2024. That is the big goal of 2023 for me. Mark that.

Another small goal of mine is the buy this awesome motorcycle my landlord is offering. It's a Sazuki and it just needs a clutch rebuild. Might be a nightmare, might be awesome. It'll cost 1800-2000 to have it legally and mechanically rideable and in my name. I have to buy the bike (800-1000), fix the clutch (60-100), get my endorsement (300), replacement license (35), transfer the title twice (long story, 150), and finally, register and plate it (~300). It'll take about 2-3 months. Longer if I negotiate with PSC and pay the debt first.

Besides that, things have been pretty slow. I painted some accent things, baseboards, my door. It does make a big difference, I am excited to tackle the living room. I recently cut out weed from the day, which severely killed my apetite for food. I was only eating eggs and my apetite wouldn't come back. I decided to get into keto, and that's about all I've got to say on that topic.

I really hope somehow I can get this bike and pay my student defferment debt this year. I might need to start donating plasma haha.

- Kain Humphries, 06 Sep 2023. Curious how everything will turn out.